Dmitry Sheiko

Full-Stack Web Developer (MEAN/LEMP)

Experienced web developer with a strong background in Object-Oriented Design, Software Architecture, and Full-Stack Development. Passionate about building high-quality, scalable applications with well-structured code. Over 25 years in web development (since 1998), specializing in modern web technologies and best practices.

Technical Skills

  • Software Architecture: Domain-Driven Design, Information Architecture, Metadata Standards, Classification Schemes
  • Frontend: JavaScript, React.js, Web Components, Progressive Web Apps, Responsive Design
  • Backend: Node.js, PHP (LEMP stack), API Development
  • DevOps & CI/CD: Continuous Integration & Deployment, Bash scripting
  • Databases: SQL, Database Design, Entity-Relationship Diagrams (UML)

Key Interests

  • Scalable and maintainable software architecture
  • JavaScript, React.js, NodeJs
  • Automation & CI/CD for efficient development workflows


Belorussian National Technical University


CRYTEK GmbH (senior web developer) Frankfurt am Main, Germany

  • since 2008 - working on application architecture, back-end and front-end development using these technologies: JavaScript, React.js/Redux, Vue.js, Electron.js,, NodeJS, BackboneJS, SASS, BEM, HTML5 API and semantics, CI-server Jenkins, Gitlab

Red Graphic Systems (RG Lab) (lead web developer) Minsk, Belarus

Designed and built Site Sapiens ECMP. Took part in development of more than half of hundred web-sites.

  • 2007 - initiated and developed POZZZY startup. It was a social system to aggregate entertainment, which had features of social news system (, collective blog ( and social bookmark system (
  • 2006 - designed and built Site Sapiens 3.0 ECMP
  • 2005 - PHP Programming Innovation Award October 2005 Winner of PHP Classes
  • 2005 - created once popular Open Source CMS SAPID (
  • 2004 - wrote the specification of language XML Sapiens for CMS developers
  • 2003 - designed enterprise information area management platform Site Sapiens
  • since 2003 - Senior web developer at Red Graphic Systems company

Atlas holding company (Stc. Atlas studio, InternetService studio) (lead web developer) Minsk, Belarus

Developed a few dozens of web-project including some Intranet/Internet portals of Administrative office of the President of the Republic of Belarus. Initiated, designed and developed the first known CMS in Belarus - MySite

  • 2002 - deputy head of Stc. Atlas studio
  • 2001 created site management system MySITE
  • 2001 created electronic publications system MyPRESS
  • 2000 – 2001 - head of web-development InternetService studio

BelHard Inc. (network engineer) Minsk, Belarus

Designed network architectures, installed networks, supported software, published technical articles

  • 1996 – 2000 - system integration specialist of BelHard Inc. (

Belarussian National Economic University (lecturer) Bobruisk, Belarus

Lectured the informatics, composed the curriculum, wrote school-books

  • 1995 – 1996 - head of electronic laboratory Belarussian National Economic University

BelarusRezinoTechnika joint-stock company (software engineer) Minsk, Bobruisk

My duties included development of small business applications based on Clarion RDBMS. Created an interactive GUI extension (mouse control, pseudo-graphic) for Clarion using C /Assembler and applied to develop.

  • 1993 – 1994 - programmer at BelarusRezinoTechnika joint-stock company (


  • 1989, 90 – twice winner of All-Union contest for programming innovations and Soviet Union schoolboy conference member. Winner of the All-Union Lenin’s grant.
  • Speaker at the international congress PHPconf’2005
  • Speaker at Internet-forums by’99, by’00, by’01, by’02, by’03, by’04
  • Speaker at the international e-commerce congress etp'2001
  • Participant in broadcasts programs on the Belorussian TV and national radio as an Internet-technology expert