Items in category automated testing

Puppetry 3: Test Automation without Coding

Automated Testing
Puppetry 3: Test Automation without Coding

Nowadays nobody would argue the importance of automated testing. Yet end-to-end tests are often hard to write and even harder to maintain. There are many solutions to help with it. Puppetry is a test constructor, which allows you building test suites without any coding. QA-engineer can record user scenario in a built-in browser, extend the generated test case with browser commands and assertions, manage the suite structure (like drag’n’drop) and run tests.

Testing Email Activation in Sign-Up Flows: A Step-by-Step Guide

Automated Testing
Testing Email Activation in Sign-Up Flows: A Step-by-Step Guide
Image generated by ChatGPT (DALL·E)

Functional testing isn’t something new. We all do it, less or more, with different tools and approaches. However when it comes to flows, where transactional emails (signup confirmations, password resets, purchase notifications and others) involved that may still bring questions. For example, we instruct the testing tool to navigate to the registration page, fill out the form and press the submit button. The web-application sends email with activation link. So we need the testing tool to read the email message, parse it and navigate the link.

Puppetry 2.0 released

Automated Testing
Puppetry 2.0 released

Eventually Puppetry 2.0 was released. The development took for a while, yet it contains a lot of changes. In fact the branch 1.x was basically a GUI for Puppeteer/Jest, but the tool grew up into a fully-fledged testing environment. Now Puppetry has a built-in templating engine, which supports environment-dependent variables and expressions, what brings a great potential. Just consider: you have test/stage service, which never resets. The only way to test, let’s say, signup flow is to create a new (no-yet-existing) user account.