Items in category jquery

Functional testing with qUnit

Functional testing with qUnit

Automated testing is an essential part of application life-cycle (see Continuous Integration). In web-development we usually test: Back-end (*Unit-tests), Front-end (HTML/CSS validators, JSLint/JSHint, CSSLint, YSlow etc) and UI (functional testing). Unit-testing (Back-end, Front-end) is about checking if all the application components adhere the technical design requirements. Every unit-test simulates the application environment on which runs. Functional tests are to determine if the application as a whole ecosystem has no flaws. They run on a copy of real application environment and show if everything is ok from user prospective.

Build Your Own Simple Web Form Testing Tool

Build Your Own Simple Web Form Testing Tool
Image generated by ChatGPT (DALL·E)

When testing a web-site, nevermind who you are developer or QA-engineer, it happens to you pretty often to fill-in form fields again and again. Boring, stupid work, but how to make sure the form does still work as intended? Some fields added, CAPTCHA was attached, whatever else done –you have to run the test again. Besides, it will be repeated on different browsers. Browser form auto-completion feature helps a bit, but that is not the same as when you have various sets of test-data always ready to apply on a form, isn’t it?