Items in category web trends

Tendencies in Content Management Software Development or CMS 2.0

Web Trends
Tendencies in Content Management Software Development or CMS 2.0
Image generated by ChatGPT (DALL·E)

Opinions on the future of Web 2.0differ, and sometimes a lot, but no one would argue that this concept in many ways shaped the present-day Internet. That is why we, developers, should follow new tendencies and trends on the market. Web 2.0brings with it new requirements. Consumers of CMS-based solutions largely fall into three categories: corporate users, internet users and third-party applications. The first two categories include people, and over the time we have developed following preferences:

Communities 2.0 or The Architecture of Participation

Web Trends
Communities 2.0 or The Architecture of Participation
Image generated by ChatGPT (DALL·E)

Today there’s no lack of reports on successful Web 2.0community projects(1). This is by no means surprising as the latest community projects provide advanced interactive experience for the audience while attracting impressive investments. This results in rapid growth within the market segment and businessmen rush in to get their share of the deal. The market now offers a huge number of solutions, and some of them seem to be of quite agreeable quality.

E-Business 2.0

Web Trends
E-Business 2.0
Image generated by ChatGPT (DALL·E)

What do we know about e-business? Can we consider a corporate site a form e-business? And what about an internet-store? Try a search by any of the popular engines and you will learn a lot about e-business centers but much less about e-business as such. Most web-developers still fail to offer anything beyond the very conventional solutions: official web-site, catalogue, online store, etc. But is that really enough to develop effective e-business solutions?