Items in category cms

Sapid CMF reload

Sapid CMF reload
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Eventually I reincarnated my personal site using alpha version of Sapid CMF 2. I’m still in progress refining the CMS release, but actually the only what I brought from old version is its name. So, what is going to be? First of all that’s a new explicit architecture. According to the request dispatcher finds controller. The controller using services prepares data for the view. Services access raw data via DAOs, which respectively use DTOs(Data Transfer Objects).

Rich Internet Applications and Content Management

Rich Internet Applications and Content Management
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Today everyone talks about Web 2.0. But while the idea of a collective intelligence, implied here by the term'’s inventor Tim O'‘Reily remains an object of trivial speculations, it is obvious that the World Wide Web is changing. Web applications are increasingly approaching the level of functionality, which is usually found only in desktop applications. And as this trend is gaining momentum, we can already witness the dawn of a new era brought about by a novel kind of web applications - Rich Internet Applications (RIA).

What is XML Sapiens?

What is XML Sapiens?
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Vignette company presented the first commercial solution of CMS (Content Management System) class in 1995. Since then the number of commercial CMSs is diligently growing up and the CMSterm settled down on the market. Many of open standards have been approved lately. They allow to structure information within sites, separate it from design, but the most of CMSs still don’t follow them. The XSLTstandard exists for quite a long time. It allows to form documents from different sources: XML-files with structured document contents and an XSL-template with the description how the document will be presented at the site.

Data, its presentation and user interface forms

Data, its presentation and user interface forms
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XML has acquired a distinguished popularity lately. No one doubts its perspectives of overall use. The concept of semantic web is no longer an abstraction and is implemented into life with confidence. In the world net’s information cacophony there appears harmony. In the hands of talented conductors such as W3C, ISO, OASIS it can diversify into a symphony. Today XML family has so many standards available that it seems there should be quite enough for all possible aspects of information technology world.

XML Sapiens is a tool to divide site functionality and program core

XML Sapiens is a tool to divide site functionality and program core
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Each minute the amount of content in the Web is surging up. This tendency is getting more and more intensive. As a result, tough competition makes web site-builders develop complicated interfaces to content. New generations of Content Management Systems (CMS) are replacing one another with impressive dynamics. Modern solutions require brand-new features, unavailable in the recent past. Tomorrow they' will need features, which are not available today. The question “How do I save my investment to web development?

How to make own CMS

How to make own CMS
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Every day millions of new web documents emerge on the Internet, and the amount of web management tools is growing simultaneously. These tools are usually referred to as Content Management Systems, CMSfor short. If you have a web site and still do not use any CMS, you will definitely face a choice to buy or to develop an enterprise content management solution in the near future. What would you do if you wanted to develop a CMS, your own software that has a WYSIWYG editor and perfectly meets all your requirements and security standards?