Items in category html5

Leveraging HTML5.2 for More Functional and Interactive Web Apps

Leveraging HTML5.2 for More Functional and Interactive Web Apps
Image generated by ChatGPT (DALL·E)

What do you do when you need a widget-like functionality? At the present there is a whole generation of developers who with as a rule are googling for ready-made jQuery plugin. Can’t we do better than that? With advance of web-components we are expected to compose UIs from these building blocks. They are many. One can find one for almost any task. They are highly customizable. One can reuse the functionality, but with own original representation.

Enhancing User Experience: Missing chapter of my book `Unlocked JavaScript`

Enhancing User Experience: Missing chapter of my book `Unlocked JavaScript`

My book “Unlocked JavaScript” ( has been released on December 7, 2015. This book is for developers already familiar with JavaScript who want to level up to get the most out of the language. The book is practice–oriented and would be most helpful for those who is used to learn by doing as the topics are thoroughly covered with real-life examples and tutorials. This is an extract of a chapter not included in the book.

Creating a web-component: VanillaJS vs X-Tag vs Polymer

Creating a web-component: VanillaJS vs X-Tag vs Polymer

It seems like these days the most trending concept in the HTML5 world is web components. But what the fuss is all about? In order to make such a simple thing as a container expanding on click in past we needed to write CSS and JavaScript. Today thanks to checkbox-hack and :focus or :target pseudo-selector we go on with CSS-only. In fact by using summary/details elements we do not need any tricks with CSS to make it working, considering that browser already supports this feature.

Mastering HTML5 Forms: Validation, Inputs, and Beyond

Mastering HTML5 Forms: Validation, Inputs, and Beyond

Since the very beginning of HTML there were no much of changes regarding forms until recently. Yet, there was an attempt to bring a new API with XForms, but it was never really supported by any of major browsers. Now we have a comprehensive consistent Form API which allows us to create full-fledged forms even with not help of JavaScript. Everything sounds so exciting until you try to use HTML 5 Forms on real projects.