Items in category how to

Enhancing UX with LQIP: How to Build an Awesome Image Preview

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Enhancing UX with LQIP: How to Build an Awesome Image Preview

Images in HTML, what could be easier? However when you have many of them on a page, they do not appear immediately. That depends on caching strategy and bandwidth, but still if you don’t take a special care it may look quite ugly. Basically we need to fill in the slots with something appropriate while images are loading. In other words we need placeholders. Probably the most prominent technique here is LQIP (low quality image placeholder).

Puppeteer for E2E Testing: How to Automate Your Web Tests

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Puppeteer for E2E Testing: How to Automate Your Web Tests
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A sound application architecture doesn’t resist to changes, but welcomes them. Yet it still doesn’t guarantee that the code is unbroken after we implement new features, making fixes or refactoring. Here we run automated tests to ensure that the app integrity didn’t suffer. So we write unit-tests to check if separate objects, methods, functions work property independently. With integration tests we ensure they play as designed together. Eventually we create system tests to find out if the entire system meets our business requirements.

Nightmare of End-to-End Testing

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Nightmare of End-to-End Testing

Modern application get complex, we cannot go without automated testing. The canonical agile testing quadrants are split to technology-facing and business-facing tests. As for technology-facing testing I believe nowadays everybody has dealt with unit-tests. Thus we make sure that the smallest parts of the system act as intended in isolation. Also we use component tests to verify the behavior of large parts of the system and integration tests to check if communication between object isn’t broken.

10 Things You Need to Know About CSS

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10 Things You Need to Know About CSS
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CSS may look as a simple language. In fact it can be simple only to use, but definitely not simple to maintain. Observing that the maximum number of people who can productively simultaneously work on CSS is one – @threedaymonk The skills required to write good CSS code are by and large the same skills required to write good code in general. – Lea Verou Everybody who used to work on a large-scale projects knows how hard it can be to keep constantly growing CSS sources readable and consistent, styles reusable and loosely coupled.

Mastering Responsive Web Design with HTML5

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Mastering Responsive Web Design with HTML5
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Bobby Solomon, from the Disney team, stated last year: “Honestly, our team is bored of talking about responsive design. It’s how any self-respecting website should behave in 2012”. Well, responsive web design (RWD) is no panacea, but definitely that is an indicator of good quality in the times when diversity of access point devices steady grows. If simply put, RWD is a way to provide a decent user experience (UX) on a web-site agnostic to the devices or platform it is accessed from.

Review: PHP Application Development with NetBeans

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Review: PHP Application Development with NetBeans

Recently I’ve laid my hands on a copy of [“PHP Application Development with NetBeans” by M A Hossain Tonu]( ““PHP Application Development with NetBeans” by M A Hossain Tonu”) ( It appeared to be a really nice reading. One of those where it’s hard to put the book down until the end. It must be valuable as for beginners as for experienced NetBeans users. I, personally, have been using NetBeans for about 4 years and still find in the book the features I wasn’t aware about or unfairly ignored for so long.

My lovely Mac OS X web-development environment

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My lovely Mac OS X web-development environment

A few months ago I bought a new Macbook. I’m really fond of the development environment I set up on it. The more I work with it, the more I love it. However, while building the environment I couldn’t find any decent step-by-step manual. So, it took me for a while to get what I wanted. Here’s my experience. Front-end environment For the beginning we need a package manager.

Support Request Tool like Google Feedback

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Support Request Tool like Google Feedback
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Have you ever noticed Google+ has an amazing feature called Google Feedback. You click on feedback highlight an area of the site page and getting screenshot with your marking on it sent to the Google support team. If you wonder of having this tool on your own, just take my code and adapt for your requirements. How to install First of all you have to install server side components for making screenshots ( XServer and CutyCapt).

When Great Ideas Meet Bad Code: A Look at Drupal

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When Great Ideas Meet Bad Code: A Look at Drupal
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Related articles: Drupal Meets MVC: A Smarter Way to Build Websites and Beyond the Basics: Enhancing Drupal’s MVC Architecture Working with Drupal for half of year and constantly tuning it for better maintainability, code consistency I came to the idea – Drupal is going to be a toy, a pretty popular but only toy, unless they decide to rewrite everything from the scratch. Studying Drupal 7 I find the CMS wasn’t really refactored.

From Chaos to Control: Improving Your PHP Error Handling Workflow

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From Chaos to Control: Improving Your PHP Error Handling Workflow
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However fondly you treat your application, errors happen and they happen often when it is being developed. That’s obvious you want to get all the tracing information during the development stage and something like ‘Application Error’ page if the error occurs on the production. Everybody knows error handler can be set in PHP through set_error_handler. The same about exceptions for which set_exception_handleris used. But it really works only for user-defined errors and uncaught exceptions.

Source Code Analysis: Code Sniffer

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Source Code Analysis: Code Sniffer
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Choice problem In the previous article we examined the only way of code analysis – PHP tokinizer. But digging deeper you’ll find many of options. Well-known expert of the subject Sebasitan Bergmann points out following Dynamic code analysis -* Xdebug (can be coupled with PHPUnit) -* php-code-coverage Static code analysis -* Token-Level Analysis by ext/tokenizer and PHP_TokenStream -* Syntax-Level Analysis by PHP_Reflection_AST and ext/parse_tree -* Bytecode-Level Analysis by ext/bytekit As far as you see, with such a set of tools you can do whatever you want.

From Code to Content: Measuring Translation Coverage in Your Project

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From Code to Content: Measuring Translation Coverage in Your Project
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How to Make Translation Term Coverage Report Let’s assume our application has a UItranslation module. We created dictionary and use terms from there within the code of application components. Everything is clear so far. But one day we begin to suspect that not all of the terms presented in the dictionary are really used within the application. Besides, probably some of terms which are used in components are not available in the dictionary.