Next.js 15 Tutorial: Build a Full-Stack App with Ant Design & React Query

Next.js 15 Tutorial: Build a Full-Stack App with Ant Design & React Query
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At the beginning of 2025, Next.js is likely the best choice for React developers building server-side applications. Personally, I’m used to developing apps without a framework. I typically use Express.js to write a REST API server with both SSR and client-side rendering. While this approach offers maximum flexibility, it comes at the cost of excessive boilerplate code. It also requires manually handling caching, pre-fetching, routing, HTTP cache management, and more. Take image optimization, for example.

Refactoring Legacy React Code: Moving from OOP to Functional Components

Refactoring Legacy React Code: Moving from OOP to Functional Components
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When React Hooks arrived in 2019, switching to functional components seemed impractical. But as the ecosystem evolved, new techniques emerged. This article explores key strategies for migrating class-based components to modern React patterns—leveraging composition, useImperativeHandle, and function-based customization. Ready to embrace the future of React?

From Zero to Blog: Getting Started with Hugo

Site Generator
From Zero to Blog: Getting Started with Hugo
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This blog hadn’t a redesign for a decade. It was driven by self-made CMS, which naturally has become, say the least of it, outdated. So some time ago I ripened for a remastering. Instantly I started by looking for a CMS or a headless CMS. Then I realized, the blog is actually static – I don’t have here any forms or services, it’s all about representation of content. Why not to go with a site generator?

Puppetry 3: Test Automation without Coding

Automated Testing
Puppetry 3: Test Automation without Coding

Nowadays nobody would argue the importance of automated testing. Yet end-to-end tests are often hard to write and even harder to maintain. There are many solutions to help with it. Puppetry is a test constructor, which allows you building test suites without any coding. QA-engineer can record user scenario in a built-in browser, extend the generated test case with browser commands and assertions, manage the suite structure (like drag’n’drop) and run tests.

Enhancing UX with LQIP: How to Build an Awesome Image Preview

How to
Enhancing UX with LQIP: How to Build an Awesome Image Preview

Images in HTML, what could be easier? However when you have many of them on a page, they do not appear immediately. That depends on caching strategy and bandwidth, but still if you don’t take a special care it may look quite ugly. Basically we need to fill in the slots with something appropriate while images are loading. In other words we need placeholders. Probably the most prominent technique here is LQIP (low quality image placeholder).

Testing Email Activation in Sign-Up Flows: A Step-by-Step Guide

Automated Testing
Testing Email Activation in Sign-Up Flows: A Step-by-Step Guide
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Functional testing isn’t something new. We all do it, less or more, with different tools and approaches. However when it comes to flows, where transactional emails (signup confirmations, password resets, purchase notifications and others) involved that may still bring questions. For example, we instruct the testing tool to navigate to the registration page, fill out the form and press the submit button. The web-application sends email with activation link. So we need the testing tool to read the email message, parse it and navigate the link.

Puppetry 2.0 released

Automated Testing
Puppetry 2.0 released

Eventually Puppetry 2.0 was released. The development took for a while, yet it contains a lot of changes. In fact the branch 1.x was basically a GUI for Puppeteer/Jest, but the tool grew up into a fully-fledged testing environment. Now Puppetry has a built-in templating engine, which supports environment-dependent variables and expressions, what brings a great potential. Just consider: you have test/stage service, which never resets. The only way to test, let’s say, signup flow is to create a new (no-yet-existing) user account.

Validating Function Arguments in JavaScript: The Smart Way

Validating Function Arguments in JavaScript: The Smart Way

In software engineering we try to discover and eliminate bugs as soon as possible. One of most important heuristics here is validation of input/output on functions and methods. If you are going with TypeScript or Flow, you are fine. But if not? Then we have to manually validate at least input (arguments). But what would be the best way doing it? First comes to mind aproba library. It’s “ridiculously” light-weight and equally popular:

Puppeteer for E2E Testing: How to Automate Your Web Tests

How to
Puppeteer for E2E Testing: How to Automate Your Web Tests
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A sound application architecture doesn’t resist to changes, but welcomes them. Yet it still doesn’t guarantee that the code is unbroken after we implement new features, making fixes or refactoring. Here we run automated tests to ensure that the app integrity didn’t suffer. So we write unit-tests to check if separate objects, methods, functions work property independently. With integration tests we ensure they play as designed together. Eventually we create system tests to find out if the entire system meets our business requirements.

Effortless Form Handling in React with the HTML5 Validation API

Effortless Form Handling in React with the HTML5 Validation API

When we talk about user input within a web app we often think first of HTML forms. Web forms have been available with the very first editions of HTML. Apparently the feature was introduced already in 1991 and standardized in 1995 as RFC 1866. We use them everywhere, with almost every library and framework. But what about React? Facebook gives a limited input on how to deal with forms . Mainly it’s about subscribing form and controls for interaction events and passing state with “value” property.

Optimizing Your Dev Workflow with Webpack 3

Optimizing Your Dev Workflow with Webpack 3

I’ve been working with PHP since 2000 and with JavaScript even longer. Over last decade JavaScript evolved drastically. It had a promising design from the very beginning and gained its current incredible shape with the shift to ES2015 (Harmony). PHP though didn’t change that much. Apparently it’s doomed always to suffer from its own legacy. It arrived in middle 90s as a simple CGI app to maintain Rasmus Lerdorf’s home page and have been more like spontaneously developing ever since.

Setting Up Dev Environment with Webpack 3

Setting Up Dev Environment with Webpack 3
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I observe as some people still write ancient ES5 syntax of JavaScript and it’s disheartening. I wonder what keeps them from moving forward. Some must be driven by psychological inertia, but some likely just find it to complex to make their new syntax running in a wide range of browsers. In fact, nowadays we may not fear about it anymore. One can set up a dev environment where tools decide what transformations requires the code and what polyfills to load depending on selected target (list of user agents to support).